Citizen Artist

Arts for Wellbeing

Arts for Community-Building

Arts for Education

Arts for Global Understanding

The Aspen Institute defines “Citizen Artists” as individuals who reimagine traditional notions of art-making and contribute to society through the transformative power of their artistry, and by proactively engaging with the arts in realms including education, healthcare, diplomacy, and community-building. 

In the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Citizen Artists are committed to working toward equal access for all to engage in and reap the benefits of culture. An ever-evolving global coalition guided by ideals of empathy and innovation, Citizen Artists hold that access to the arts is not a privilege, but rather a fundamental human right. While access is far from equitable today, artist-led action (from hyperlocal to international, and from grassroots to policy-level) can level the field and ensure that the arts and their byproduct — hope — can thrive where they’re needed most.

Simply put (and paraphrasing the motto of Sing for Hope), Citizen Artistry is about creating a better world through the arts. And it’s about the fact that each and every one of us is an artist with unlimited creative potential, if just given the right tools and opportunities.

Watch Camille’s words on Citizen Artistry at Juilliard Commencement.